
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Is homemade baby food healthier for infants?

Image result for Is homemade baby food healthier for infants?

(Reuters Health) - Babies who get homemade food may learn to like a wider variety of food types and be leaner than infants who eat store-bought products, a recent study suggests.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and then advises mothers to keep nursing while starting to introduce solid foods.

For the current study, researchers examined whether the source of food – homemade or commercial - influences variety, infant growth and weight. They found babies who only ate homemade foods had more diverse diets earlier in life and lower body fat mass when they were 1 year and 3 years old.

"The results could have implications for preventing obesity and chronic diseases associated with poor food choices," said lead study author Dr. Elise Mok of the Research Institute at McGill University Health Centre and the Montreal Children's Hospital.

"Given that food preferences begin early in life, are likely to persist and are difficult to change in adulthood, providing appropriate food choices during the complementary feeding period is of importance to facilitate food acceptance and ensure healthy growth and development," Mok added by email.

WHO guidelines urge parents to feed babies a varied diet including meat, poultry, fish and eggs along with a range of fruits and vegetables starting at age 6 months.

Previous research suggests that commercially produced baby food can contain high amounts of sodium and sugar and be of a consistent texture and appearance that may limit children's acceptance of new foods with different textures, researchers write in the International Journal of Obesity.

Homemade foods, by contrast, can provide a broader range of flavors and textures that might encourage children to eat a wider variety of things as they get older, the authors note.

For the current study, researchers examined dietary data on 65 infants and assessments of body fat from exams when infants were 6, 9, 12 and 36 months old.

By 9 months of age, 14 babies, or 22 percent, had exclusively received homemade food and another 14 infants ate only commercially produced food. Most babies got a combination of both types of food.

There weren't any differences in the babies’ lengths or how much they weighed for their age based on what the infants ate. Calorie and nutrient intakes also didn't differ by group over time.

However, when researchers scored babies' diets based on how many of seven different food groups they consumed, the infants getting only homemade food achieved scores almost a full point higher than babies getting only store-bought foods.

At one year of age, babies who ate only homemade food had a lower percentage of body fat than the other infants in the study.

Beyond its small size, other limitations of the study include its reliance on parents to accurately recall and report how babies were fed, the authors note. The study also included families that may be more affluent and educated than the general population and focused on breastfed babies, which may mean the results wouldn't apply to all infants.

The study wasn't a controlled experiment designed to prove how infant food choices directly impact children's eating habits as they grow up.

"Although the observed association cannot confirm a cause and effect relationship, parents should be informed about the provision of home-prepared meat, fruit and vegetables during a baby's transition to solid food is linked with increased diet diversity in the first year of life," Mok said.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Beef and vegetable hot pot


Heinz top tip

Try sweet potato, swede or pumpkin instead of carrot and parsnip.

Recipe facts

10 to 12 months
12+ months
Gluten Free
No Added Egg Ingredients
Main meal


  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 150g lean beef, finely diced
  • 1/2 a small leek
  • 1 small parsnip
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 low salt Vegetable Stock Cube
  • 1 tbsp plain flour (or corn flour if gluten intolerant)   




    1. Heat the oil in non-stick frying pan, add the beef and cook over a medium heat, stirring until beginning to brown.
    2. Meanwhile, clean and slice the leek; peel and finely chop the parsnip and carrot. Add the vegetables to the beef and cook for 2 minutes.
    3. Make up the stock cube with 300ml of boiling water from the kettle. Add the flour to the beef and stir well for 1 minute. Add the stock and bring to the boil, stirring. Cover and cook for 20 minutes or until the beef and vegetables are tender.
    4. Mash, chop or puree to suit your little one.
    5. Cool slightly before serving in a bowl.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

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Monday, February 6, 2017

“Moj sin je umro zbog ove proklete biljke i svi hitno moraju znati za nju”: Ubija djecu za jedan minut, a odrasle za 15!

 Slikovni rezultat za difenbahija

 Molim vas da pažljivo ovo pročitate. Moj sin je umro jer je stavio komadić lista u usta zbog kojeg su mu otekli grlo i jezik što je dovelo do toga da se uguši. Ova biljka je vrlo česta u domovima i kancelarijama. Ona je izuzetno otrovna i vrlo opasna, čak do te mjere da ubija dijete za jedan minut, a odraslog čovjeka u roku od 15 minuta. Ukoliko je slučajno dodirnete, nikada ne dodirujte oči nakon toga jer to može prouzrokovati trajno sljepilo. Upozorite svoje prijatelje i familiju, piše “Webtribune“…

Tako je započeo lanac dijeljenja informacije koja bi zaštitila ljude od ove biljke koja bi vas mogla koštati života.
Sve je počelo kada se mali petogodišnji Esteban igrao i rekao svojoj majci da se ne osjeća dobro. Ona je mislila da je u pitanju samo loše varenje ili izmorenost. Njegov otac se ipak zabrinuo kada je djetetu promijenila boja u licu i kada je dječak počeo da se guši.
On je zatim odmah pozvao hitnu pomoć koja ga je odvela u bolnicu gdje su ga primili na odjeljenje za hitne slučajeve usljed trovanja. Niko nije znao šta se dešava i bio je to izuzetno uznemiravajući momenat.
Nakon pola sata, doktor je obavijestio dječakovu majku da je dječak preminuo i da je uzrok njegove smrti najvjerovatnije u vezi sa nečim što je on pojeo. Iz tog razloga je doktor naručio da se uradi testiranje krvi i rezultati su pokazali da je dječak imao visok nivo hemijske supstance po imenu kalcijum oksalat u organizmu.
Ova hemijska supstanca se može pronaći u biljci koja se zove difenbahija, a takođe je poznata i po imenu amoena. Ovo je vrlo česta kućna biljka i ljudi vole da je drže u svom domu ili kancelariji jer je izuzetno otporna na vremenske uslove i ne zahtjeva mnogo sunčeve svjetlosti. Oni koji posjeduju difenbahiju bi trebali biti izuzetno pažljivi, naročito ako su djeca u blizini jer je ta biljka smrtonosna ukoliko se konzumira.
Podaci iz 2006. godine pokazuju da je u SAD-u bilo 64.250 registrovanih slučajeva trovanja putem biljaka, od kojih su 75 posto u pitanju bila djeca starosti do pet godina.
Ukoliko je osoba otrovana difenbahijom, Nacionalna biblioteka medicine Sjedinjenih Država preporučuje da se usta iščiste hladnom, mokrom tkaninom i isperu oči. Ukoliko je osoba došla u kontakt sa difenbahijom, takođe joj treba dati da popije mlijeko, a zatim potražiti medicinsku pomoć.
Ova biljka sadrži supstance koje su izuzetno opasne po život. Nemojte zaboraviti da podijelite ovaj članak da bi svi znali o ovoj biljci i opasnosti koju ona nosi.

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

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Friday, February 3, 2017

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