
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Postoji li doista srodna duša?

Tko ne mašta o srodnoj duši i romantičnoj ljubavi u vječnosti? No, što ako je i to samo još jedan koncept uma koji se, kao i svi ostali u ovom vremenu, naočigled raspada?

Vjerojatno vam je poznat krasan tekst grčkog filozofa Platona – „Gozba" - koji govori o ljubavnim odnosima. Kaže da je čovjek, nekad davno, bio muškarac i žena istovremeno: dvije savršene „polovice"/pola u jednom tijelu. No, kako su takva bića cijelo vrijeme bila okupirana isključivo vođenjem ljubavi – do te mjere da su zanemarila svoje obveze prema božanskom (odnosno duhovnu), božansko ih je razdvojilo, prepolovilo, na žene i muškarce te razbacalo po cijelom svijetu. Tako je inicijalno, piše Platon, nastala urođena žudnja za povratkom te druge, savršeno pristajuće polovice, i ono što danas znamo kao potragu za srodnom dušom ili idealnom ljubavi.

Bila metafora ili stvarnost koja se negdje nekad odigrala, priča ima duhovnu pozadinu: činjenica jest da čovjek traga za svojom „savršenom polovicom" iz dubokog sjećanja na stanje jednoga, onu razinu ispunjenosti koju nosi integracija obiju polova u sebi. Stapanje s jednim koje uvijek tražimo, a kroz tijelo manifestiramo predajom seksualnosti (razmjeni s/polova) i ljepoti orgazma.

Početna kemija

Početna magija svake nove romanse vrlo je stvarna – prepoznajemo osobu koja je, na neki način, posebnija od svih koje smo sreli. „Klik" prepoznavanja se događa trenutno, jer je energetski fenomen: znanost kaže „zaljubimo se od pokrenute kemije...". A kemiju, odnosno ples naših hormona, budi energetska spona koja nastaje u kontaktu s ljudima: naše čakre se automatski umreže, povežu, a iz njih spontano krene razmjena psiho-energetskih materijala u njima (naših ovoživotnih i prošlo/paralelno životnih znanja, iskustava, privlačnosti, odbojnosti...).

Zbog toga se otkrivaju novi svemiri u nama, fenomenalno se razumijemo, jednako vibriramo na ljude, pojave... Taj spoj aktivira najmoćniju silu univerzuma – kreativnu tj. prokreativnu energiju, poznatiju kako Kundalini. Zato imamo uzbuđenje, i potrebu za spajanjem – seksualnom razmjenom koja nas oboje uzdiže mentalno, emotivno, duhovno i fizički. Privlačnost i prepoznavanje budu toliko jaki da nas tresu iz svakog atoma, uslijed čega objavljujemo da smo našli ljubav svog života. I jesmo. Uvijek. Bila ta romansa noć, mjesec, godinu dana ili sto inkarnacija... Svako biće s kojim se odigra ovakva rezonancija je, na nekom nivou, naša srodna duša – ili, recimo to tako, bljesak i izraz našeg blizanskog plamena sa svrhom našeg većeg otvaranja srodnim dušama, a u suštini sebi.

Zašto bajka završava?

Zato je prirodno da, ili trčimo kao pčelica od cvijeta do cvijeta tražeći ovo iskustvo, ili kada ga nađemo, poželimo ga ovjekovječiti, da tako bude zauvijek. Tako se udružujemo, vjenčamo ili na koji god način fiksiramo svoj odnos – lijepo mu nalijepimo etiketu „to je to" i krenemo graditi na tim temeljima. No... tu zapravo naša bajka s početka završava. Ne odmah, ne vidljivo, i ne zato što je to neka opaka osveta sudbine nego jer je i to – prirodno. Kao što stablo mijenja listove, a životinje dlaku i kožu, i mi se mijenjamo. Baš zato se i udružujemo, jer zajedno ostvarujemo takav golem rast, da je normalno da se jednog jutra probudimo narasli: kao kad imate cipele koje su divne i savršene, ali jednog dana vam postanu premale. I sve je istina: točno je da su bile najbolje na svijetu, a da više nisu – barem na stari način . To se isto događa u odnosima, koliko god su srodnodušni izraz najvećeg i najiskrenijeg obožavanja jer - promjena je dio života.

A scenarij znamo i ide otprilike ovako: uđe se u odnos, obožavanje toliko jako čini da svaki tren postojanja želimo provesti s tim svojim posebnim bićem pa se stoga organiziramo u neki oblik zajedničkog života. Euforija i dalje traje, u svim aktivnostima i ta faza, otprilike, traje godinu dana ili nešto više. Uglavnom, ovo vrijeme zaista jest blagoslovljeno te rastemo i upoznajemo sebe, kroz drugog, na nevjerojatne nove načine. No, prije ili kasnije, ta faza uđe u rutinu. Prvi znakovi te rutine su nervoza i pad tolerancije – počne nas smetati kod partnera upravo ono u što smo se zaljubili, a u odnosu upravo ono što nam je bilo najslađe i pružalo najveći rast. Malo po malo, iritacija raste. Ali avaj! Ne želimo je vidjeti. Ne želimo si priznati, pa objašnjavamo – umor, poslovna nervoza, obaveze i djeca, ova situacija, ona situacija... Ali istina jest da si, u tom trenu kada osvijestimo proces, ne želimo priznati promjenu faze jer se bojimo gubitka – bojimo se smrti starog i rađanja/stvaranja novog . Pa onda radije gurnemo glavu u pijesak. No, ništa s tim ne rješavamo – kao da nam se ne sviđa kiša, pa odlučimo ostati u svom veselom stanu i ignorirati je. Sve ok, ali kiša i dalje pada.

Maštanje o drugome...

Tako i tu – priznali si mi to ili ne, proces je krenuo i ide. I ireverzibilan je (tj. nema povratka). Jer je i on dio razvoja. Ali, tu lekciju obično učimo padom na ispitu – zapravo kada ovo samo naslutimo, još više naskočimo na partnera i vežemo se na bilo koji novi način (trudnoća, krediti, službeni brak...), a sve u nadi da ćemo tako zaustaviti tok, spriječiti kišu. Ovakva psihička anestezija drži neko vrijeme, pa se čak obradujemo kako smo uspjeli, ali.... paralelno se u svijesti (nesvjesnom) odigrava inkubacija započeta smrti starog: stvaramo novo. Potiho, svjesno ili ne, počinjemo maštati o nečem drugom – u blagoj varijanti, razmišljamo kako bi naš partner (do jučer savršen) bio savršen kada bi „samo imao/mogao/radio/bio to-i-to", a u žešćoj verziji – titramo na druge vibracije, druge ljude. Ovako pokrenut naš um, najmoćniji alat svemira, počinje vibrirati kroz naš cijeli sistem i auru novu informaciju, a ona privlači nove ljude u naš život. Stoga se prije ili kasnije pojavi netko na koga zatitramo: ne mora to biti ništa ozbiljno, dovoljno da nas strese, da zamaštamo o tome. I onda počinje novi val mraka: gušenje od krivnje jer nam se netko sviđa. Jer nas je netko dodirnuo, energetski i vibracijski, onako duboko kako partner dugo ili nikad nije...

Skrivanje te privlačnosti, ili čak u tajnosti pokrenutog odnosa, koje od nas čini lopovske špijune – jer laž ili prevara, nikad nisu prevara drugog, uvijek su sebe. Možemo ne reći partneru da nas silno uzbuđuje netko drugi, ali... on to zna. Jer, to što mi riječima odkomuniciramo je manje od 25% - sve informacije slobodno plutaju kroz naše polje, a u ovoj fazi razvoja svemira (povećana radijacija, otvaranje energetskih polja i aktivacija svjetlosnog tijela...) stvar je još jasnija, brža i vidljivija. Dakle, vaš partner ne treba tehnički znati da mentalno vodite ljubav s drugom osobom (razmišljajući o njoj, maštajući...) – on to zna energetski, bio toga svjestan ili ne.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

10 First Foods To Try When Baby Led Weaning

Image result for First Foods To Try When Baby Led Weaning

The National Health and Medical Research Council recommends waiting until your child is around six months old before introducing solid foods. The old belief is 4 months of age, but this is no longer advised by peak organisations. Your baby is probably ready to try solid foods by the time he can do all of the following:

* Sit up unsupported
* Hold his head steady
* Pick food up and put it in his own mouth
* Swallow food (babies who are not yet ready have a tongue reflex that pushes food out of their  mouths)

Baby led weaning is all about following your baby's lead. You provide a healthy, balanced mix of finger foods, but let your baby control how much he eats. You may find that for the first few weeks, very little actually makes it into your baby's tummy, but fear not, milk is still able to provide the nutrients your baby needs at six months. Seeing your baby enjoy his first tastes of solid food can be pretty exciting, and you'll probably be keen to offer him a large variety of foods to satisfy his curious palate. Here are some great first foods to give your baby:

First Food Idea #1: Steamed Carrot Starting off with vegetables can help your child to develop a love for these healthy morsels. You should steam the carrot for a few minutes longer than normal, to ensure it is soft enough for your baby to gum on. It mustn't be too soft, however, because your baby will need to be able to grip onto it to raise it to his mouth.

First Food Idea #2: Steamed Broccoli Baby led weaning is all about giving babies the freedom to explore and enjoy the various tastes, smells and textures of food. Broccoli is a popular food with many babies because of the easy-to-grip stalk and soft, delicious top. You will need to steam it for a few extra minutes again to make sure it is soft enough for your baby to chew. Broccoli can get messy, so make sure you have a cloth to hand for when your baby has finished playing. If your baby has a sensitive tummy, introduce broccoli later as it can make babies more gassy.

First Food Idea #3: Avocado This food could have been designed specifically for baby led weaning. The softness makes it a great first food even for babies who don't yet have teeth, and the firmness means it lends itself well to being gripped by small hands. Avocados are full of good fats, which are really important for brain development in young children, so it's a good food to encourage your child to enjoy.

First Food Idea #4: Cucumber Cucumber is another perfect first food. The outer skin is tough and easy to grip to, but the inside is moist, soft and easy to eat. Cut the cucumber into big chips, and let your baby explore the various textures that it has to offer. Cucumbers that have been kept in the fridge can also offer much-needed relief for teething babies, as they act as a cool compress on sore gums.

First Food Idea #5: Steamed Asparagus Asparagus is a great shape for finger food. The length and droop of the vegetable will no doubt give your baby something extra to explore at the dinner table as he tries to wrestle it into his open mouth. The asparagus tip also adds an extra texture, allowing your baby to explore both ends of the vegetable. Make sure that you steam the asparagus for a couple of extra minutes, to ensure it is soft enough for your baby to chomp through easily.

First Food Idea #6: Peas And Sweetcorn A high chair tray scattered with boiled peas and sweetcorn will keep your baby entertained for a long time. They are also great foods for helping to improve dexterity, as your baby battles to pick up an individual pea or kernel of sweet corn. Even once the pea is in his hand, it will take a few attempts before he manages to deposit it into his mouth without it falling out.

First Food Idea #7: Your Dinner (Minus The Salt) The beauty of baby led weaning, is the simplicity and convenience it allows. You don't need to stay up late filling ice cube trays with homemade batches of purees. Instead you can simply serve baby a small portion of what the rest of the family is eating. If you usually cook with salt, you will need to separate your baby's portions before adding the salt, because salt is not recommended for babies. You should also avoid cooking with sugars. Sharing meals with the rest of the family will encourage your baby to try new flavours, and explore foods containing a mix of spices and herbs.

First Food Idea #8: Pasta And Sauce A simple pasta sauce of chopped tomatoes, herbs, lentils and chunky well-cooked vegetables, makes the perfect accompaniment to pasta. Alternate the pasta shapes, allowing your baby to practice picking up different sized and shaped foods. The tomato sauce will be messy, so make sure you have a cloth at hand to wipe up any mess. It's always worth keeping a waterproof floor covering under the highchair too, to prevent any food staining on the floor.

First Food Idea #9: Melon Once your baby has expanded his palette of healthy vegetables and delicious home cooked meals, it's time to start adding fruit to the equation. Melon is a great first fruit because it is soft and can be easily chomped on by babies who don't yet have any teeth. Keeping some of the rind one will give your baby something to grip onto, making this an easy fruit to pick up. Keep a close eye on your baby, however, to make sure he isn't trying to eat the tough rind.

First Food Idea #10: Blueberries Once you are ready to start introducing fruits, blueberries are a great option. Slightly bigger than peas, these will be a little easier for your baby to pick up, but will still help to develop your baby's fine motor skills and dexterity. Blueberries are rounded and will roll away as your baby tries to pick them up, meaning he will get lots of practice to perfect his pincer grip. After the first batch of blueberries, you may notice that your baby's poo is an unusual colour (purple or blue), this is normal and nothing to worry about. - See more at:

Monday, April 3, 2017

Weaning your child from breastfeeding

Slikovni rezultat za Weaning your child from breastfeeding

When you start to give your baby foods other than breast milk, it’s called weaning. Most parents consider weaning to mean completely stopping breastfeeding.

Weaning is a natural stage in your baby’s development. Still, many mothers have mixed emotions. It’s normal to feel excited at the new independence you can both enjoy, as well as some sadness as your baby moves to another stage in her life.


When it is time to wean, it’s better to do it gradually rather than all of a sudden. And while there is no right or wrong age to wean, it’s best to continue breastfeeding until your baby is at least six months old. Prolonged breastfeeding, whenever possible, is good for your baby.


When you and your baby are ready to wean, there are few things to remember that will make the experience a more positive one for both of you:

* If you can, it’s easiest for you and your baby if weaning is gradual – over several weeks, months or even longer. A sudden, abrupt wean should only be considered in extreme circumstances and is hard on both of you (see “Can’t I just stop breastfeeding?”).

* The transition to weaning may be easier if you first introduce your baby to a cup instead of a bottle. Breastfed babies easily learn to drink from a cup as early as six months of age (try expressed breast milk).

* Start off by substituting one feed, the least ‘favourite’ one of the day. Someone else may need to offer this feed for your baby to accept it.

* When you’re ready to wean even more, substitute the next least favoured feed at the opposite time of the day. Continue this way, substituting one feed at a time. The pace of weaning is up to you and your baby, but in general, the slower the better. Wait at least a few days in between each new feed before substituting another one.

* You may want to try a ‘partial’ wean instead. This means you substitute one or more feedings with a cup or bottle and breastfeed at other times. This can work well if you are going back to work but still want to breastfeed. When you do this, make sure you check your baby’s weight gain regularly.

* If your breasts are uncomfortable while you are weaning, try expressing enough milk so that you are comfortable. Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can also help. Cold compresses or gel packs applied to your breasts can also be of some comfort.

* You shouldn’t bind your breasts or drink less fluids while you’re weaning. Check your breasts regularly to make sure you aren’t developing a blocked duct, which will feel like a firm tender area of the breast. If you do, see your doctor or lactation consultant. These problems are more likely to occur during an abrupt wean.

* Watch the cues you give to your baby. If you sit in the same chair you usually use when you’re nursing, he’ll likely want to breastfeed. He probably won’t be satisfied with a cup or a cuddle.

* Some mothers choose what is called ‘infant-led weaning’. This means watching your baby’s cues and weaning at his pace (that is, never refusing the breast but also not offering the breast when he is not interested). With infant-led weaning, breastfeeding may continue for two to four years. This type of weaning is practiced by many non-western cultures.


Sometimes your baby goes on a ‘nursing strike’ and suddenly refuses to breastfeed. This doesn’t mean your baby is ready to wean. It can be caused by many different factors, such as teething, an ear infection or other illness, the onset of your period, or a change in your diet, soap, or even deodorant.

Try making feeding time quiet and spend more time cuddling your child. Don’t ‘starve’ him, but instead, try offering the breast when he is sleepy. If you can’t figure out the reason for the strike, see your doctor. Remember that a nursing strike does not mean your baby is rejecting you.

If this happens, be sure to pump your milk so you don’t develop a blocked duct.


If possible, avoid an abrupt wean, which can be uncomfortable for you and upsetting for your baby.

Sometimes you may have no choice, such as if you are very sick, if you and your baby have to be separated for a long time, or if you have to take certain drugs, like chemotherapy. If that’s the case, try some of the previously mentioned suggestions. If your breasts get uncomfortable, express your milk to avoid blocked ducts, mastitis or a breast abscess.

Babies who are sick should not be abruptly weaned.


Appropriate substitute feedings depend on how old your baby is when you start to wean:

Under 12 months: iron-fortified infant formula.
12 to 18 months: follow-up formula or whole milk (3.25%).
18 to 24 months: whole milk.
Two years and over: whole or 2% milk.
After 12 months of age, your baby should not take more than 24 ounces of milk products per day. Otherwise, she’ll fill up and won’t want to eat solid foods. Also, she may develop iron deficiency anemia.

If your baby has a milk allergy, talk to your doctor about appropriate substitute feedings.


Between four and six months, you’ll start to introduce solid foods into your baby’s diet. When this happens, your baby will begin to take less breast milk.

Introduce solid foods one at a time and in small amounts at the beginning. Some babies get very constipated if they are given too much solid food early on.

You can also offer your baby small amounts of water once or twice a day, usually after six months of age. You can give 100% fruit juice, usually diluted with water, but it has no real advantage over water and should not exceed a few ounces per day (two to four ounces). Too much juice can lead to dental cavities, obesity or even poor weight gain and diarrhea.

Your weaning experience is ultimately up to you and your baby. Try to follow his cues whenever possible. If you’re feeling ‘blue’ or if the baby is not taking what you consider to be enough other foods or liquids, you should see your doctor.